Friday, November 13, 2009

Furry Friday

I had such good intentions of being a good little blogger this week and posting more than three times, and I even had a post all written out for yesterday, but then I didn't publish it, because it was slightly questionable, you never know who might find this and I should probably err on the side of caution.

Anyway! It doesn't matter because I'm here now!

I was presented with a conundrum while trying to take photos last night. What with the clock switch and all, by the time I get to the shelter it is dark, and this seriously ruins my pictures of the dogs because they get "red eye" (except it's not red, it's blue, or green), and look possessed. Last night I was like, "pshaa, I'll just edit them!", but then I discovered today that this computer does not in fact have a program which easily edits out red eye. I mean, I'm sure I could figure it out if I wanted, but reallly, I don't have a huge amount of time. So! Please enjoy these pictures of possessed looking (but cute) dogs! You may think a viable solution would be to just take photos of the dogs inside, however, I have a theory that all the dogs look way too sad and pathetic in their kennels. It's not true, but they appear that way what with the walls and general blandness. I will demonstrate this by putting up a kennel photo. I don't like making people feel sorry for these dogs, because I think in some ways that puts the dogs at a disadvantage. Most of these dogs are normal, happy dogs and should be treated as such!

See what I mean? She looks SO sad. But when she was outside? Happy!

Beagle/Chihuahua mix!

This is Charlie skulking down and checking out the drive thru cars(still working on the Christmas goal of finding him a home!)

Bulldog!! So cute!!

Taking good pictures of dogs is so hard, half the time I just settle for ones where I can at least see their face. Like, every Thursday the majority of my pictures are blurry, of dogs looking away, or just jumping off the table. It's comical/extremely annoying.

Anyway, tonight I will be helping out at an adopt a thon, so hopefully some of my friends will find some new good homes!

A couple dogs that have been adopted that I think I have put up pictures of before are: Portia (the black and white beagle), Lewis (the cute little shepherd mix from Louisiana), Malcolm the giant (but sweet) Rottie, Scruffy (the terrier mix that looked like a muppet)! yay!!

Have a good weekend!!


Sami said...

Ohhhh that beagle/chihuahua mix is PRECIOUS! I want to scoop them all up!! <3

Teach.Workout.Love said...

hey!! u can participate in the secret santa thing just give me ur email address asap thanks!!

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